Stobbe Group – reduce up-stream risk
– by developing, customizing, manufacturing and market advanced innovative up-stream systems for micro-organism (mammalian cells, bacteria, yeast) expression of Mono-Clonal-Antibodi's and mammalian Stem-Cell proliferation for a multitude of therapeutic applications.
Products divided into these groups
- World most simple Continuous Cultivation system - cultivation at high cell density of suspended or adherent mammalian cell lines for expression of antibodies and proliferation of stem cell harboured in porous scaffold - - replacing old fashions factories and bags
- World only low-risk Semi-Continuous cultivation - perfusion at high cell density of suspended mammalian cell lines - - replacing conventional high-risk perfusion systems with our low-risk
- World only customized Batch & Fed-batch SUBs - for cultivation & fermentation of suspended cell lines / micro-organisms in SUBs & SUFs ranging from 1/4 liter to 30 liter Vessel Volume -
- Advanced Single-Use-Mixer's - for viral vectors, plasmid and mRNA product manufacturing - ranging from 1/4 liter to 30 liter Vessel Volume -
- World only configurable Process-Control-System - bio-process Drive Systems, sensor systems for a variety of pharma applications - - communicates with Lucullus, DeltaV, DASware via UPC-UA.
- World only fully programmable, scalable, high accuracy LASER guided diaphragm Single-Use-Pump - -

Stobbe Group design, customize, manufacturer in Europe and market advanced bio pharmaceutical systems globally

Stobbe Group design, customize, manufacturer and market a wide range of products for development and manufacturing of bio pharmaceuticals